Collaborating with Parents
This PD resource is intended for all those involved with engaging parents as partners in supporting student learning.
An inclusive education system provides all students with the most appropriate learning environments and opportunities to realize their potential. This goes beyond the classroom and into the home. Recognizing parents as an integral part of their child's education and welcoming their involvement in the learning community can lead to innovative solutions and open communication between parents and teachers.
Respecting Cultural Diversity
This video supports the concept of accessing traditional FNMI cultural knowledge and parenting practices to strengthen self-esteem, trust and mutual understanding for positive learning supports.
Learning Guide: Respecting Cultural Diversity
Length: 10 minutes 7 seconds
Building Relationships and Trust
Building positive relationships and developing trust are critical tasks for both parents and teachers. The focus of this video is to demonstrate the many ways that teachers and parents can communicate, both in person and via technology-mediated means, to support teaching and learning. In this video we see a parent and teacher of a middle school child collaborating throughout the school year to find ways to ensure the student can demonstrate what he knows, has learned and can do. They are building trust and developing their relationship as they work together toward the common goal of student success.
Tipsheet: Building Relationships and Trust
Learning Guide: Building Relationships and Trust
Length: 6 minutes 39 seconds
Active Listening
Active listening is a skill that teachers use to help establish meaningful relationships with parents. Strong collaborative relationships are important so that teachers and parents can work effectively together to ensure students are supported and successful learners. In this video, several different interactions between parents, teachers, administrators and educational assistants are portrayed to demonstrate formal and informal opportunities for active listening that support building relationships.
Tipsheet: Supporting Collaboration Through Active Listening
Learning Guide: Supporting Collaboration Through Active Listening
Length: 6 minutes 15 seconds
Resolving Differences Through Collaboration
Inclusive schools recognize the importance of welcoming and embracing the involvement of parents in their children's education. Conflict is inevitable and can actually be beneficial. It can lead to brainstorming creative strategies and a better understanding of individuals and their strengths. This video portrays a scenario where parents and school staff are able to communicate about a challenging issue faced by a student, and collaborate to come up with a mutually beneficial solution.
Tipsheet: Resolving Differences through Collaboration
Learning Guide: Resolving Differences through Collaboration
Length: 7 minutes 4 seconds
Collaborating for Smooth Transitions
Transitions are life-long, from one grade to another, from one stage of life to another. In this video, a high school student and his family are transitioning to a new life in Alberta from another province and settling into a new school community. The video shows how this transition can be made smoother and easier by preparing ahead, and making both the student and his parents welcome in the learning community.
Tipsheet: Collaborating for Smooth Transitions
Learning Guide: Collaborating for Smooth Transitions
Length: 4 minutes 15 seconds
Solution-focused Collaboration
Solution-focused collaboration between parents and teachers focuses on building solutions together from a strength-based approach, rather than merely 'solving problems'. In this video we see several examples of using a strength-based approach, in which parents and teacher have collaborated to focus on the child's strengths in support of his learning.
Tipsheet: Solution-focused Collaboration
Learning Guide: Solution-focused Collaboration
Length: 4 minutes 47 seconds
Parents are Powerful Partners
Inclusive schools welcome and embrace positive, collaborative relationships between school staff and parents in support of providing the best learning environment for a diverse population of children. In this video you will see examples of inclusive school settings that model approaches that reflect understanding, support and collaboration with all parents, including parents of children with disabilities.
Tipsheet: Positive Parental Partnerships
Tipsheet: Strengthening Collaboration Between Schools and Families
Learning Guide: Understanding, Supporting and Collaborating with Parents
Length: 5 minutes 45 seconds
Building Relationships
Inclusive schools welcome and embrace positive, collaborative relationships between school staff and parents in support of providing the best learning environment for a diverse population of children. In this video you will see examples of inclusive school settings that model approaches that reflect understanding, support and collaboration with all parents, including parents of children with disabilities.
Tipsheet: Positive Parental Partnerships
Tipsheet: Strengthening Collaboration Between Schools and Families
Learning Guide: Understanding, Supporting and Collaborating with Parents
Length: 5 minutes 49 seconds
Family Centered Collaboration
Inclusive schools welcome and embrace positive, collaborative relationships between school staff and parents in support of providing the best learning environment for a diverse population of children. In this video you will see examples of inclusive school settings that model approaches that reflect understanding, support and collaboration with all parents, including parents of children with disabilities.
Tipsheet: Positive Parental Partnerships
Tipsheet: Strengthening Collaboration Between Schools and Families
Learning Guide: Understanding, Supporting and Collaborating with Parents
Length: 4 minutes 47 seconds