Engaging All Learners!

Learning Supports

Schools need to use innovative and effective ways to reduce barriers to learning and provide the supports that every student needs to be successful.

Research clearly identifies the importance of a supportive, caring learning environment. All classrooms include a growing number of students who will need additional supports to be successful. These could range from positive behavior supports to the use of learning or assistive technologies.



Other Alberta Resources

The following resources provide research based and philosophical underpinnings to support inclusive learning supports.

  • Building on Success: Helping Students Make Transitions from Year to Year
    This resource provides sample ideas and templates for creating a Learner Profile that students, teachers and parents can use as part of the transition planning process. The information and ideas shared through this profile will help new teachers be more informed as to the student's specific learning strengths, needs and challenges.

  • Inclusive Education Library
    The Inclusive Education Library can help build an understanding of the impact of disabilities on learning and help teachers focus on instructional planning for all students. Resources cover such areas as: student perspectives, parent perspectives, social participation, medical and disability information, and instructional strategies and supports.

Tag Cloud

  instructional planning considerations     choose the right tool     new options for differentiating instruction     individual behaviour support plans     students with behaviour disabilities     choice and flexibility     rti     adjust instruction     thoughtful implementation     reducing barriers to learning     deeper implementation of practices     learning technologies     conditions for success     building relationships     targeted supports